Thursday, December 4, 2014

Apollo and Daphne

Commissioned by: Italian Cardinal Scipione Borghese
Completed by: Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Italian artist and architect)
Material: Marble
Style: Baroque
Date: 1622-1625

The mythological episode behind this sculpture has to do with an event that took place between Apollo, god of Sun, and the nymph, Daphne. Apollo mocked Eros, god of love, for his use of a bow and arrow because Apollo believed he had no use for these tools since he does not participate in war. Eros became insulted and took out one arrow of gold, which incites loves, and one of lead, which insights hatred. He shot Daphne with the lead arrow and shot Apollo through the heart with the golden arrow. Apollo instantly fell in love with Daphne, but she despised him. Daphne turned away all of her lovers and preferred exploring the woods instead. Eventually, her father, Peneus (a river god), demanded that she get married, but she begged him not to.

            Apollo continued to chase after her and beg for her love, but Daphne continued to run. It became a race and Eros got involved and helped Apollo to gain on the nymph. Daphne realized she was about to be caught and called for her father, “"Help me, Peneus! Open the earth to enclose me, or change my form, which has brought me into this danger! Let me be free of this man from this moment forward!" Peneus answered her cry for help by casting an enchantment upon her which turned her skin to bark, her hair to leaves, and her arms to branches. In addition, she could no longer run because her feet became rooted to the ground. Apollo embraces the branches, but there is nothing left he can do. Apollo promised to tend to her as his tree and never let any beasts of the earth do harm to her. He promised that her leaves would decorate the heads of leaders as crowns along with weapons. Also, Apollo used his ability of eternal youth and immortality to make her green forever and ensure the laurel tree will never decay.

By: Kyle Lockard

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